1031 Exchange

September 2023 Disaster Relief Update

Throughout the month of September, the IRS has issued tax relief that can extend/postpone the 45-day and 180-day deadlines applicable to ongoing Section 1031 exchanges for the below-referenced disaster areas. Each Notice provides universal tax relief that extends the deadline to file various individual and business tax returns and to make tax payments for affected […]

May 2023 Disaster Relief Update

Throughout the month of May, the IRS has issued tax relief that can extend/postpone the 45-day and 180-day deadlines applicable to ongoing Section 1031 exchanges for the below-referenced disaster areas. Each Notice provides universal tax relief that extends the deadline to file various individual and business tax returns and to make tax payments for affected […]

Refinancing Before or After your 1031 Exchange

May 11, 2023 By: Julia Mastrotto, Esq., Counsel All too common is the question of refinance in proximity to an IRC Section 1031 exchange. The key takeaway being that a refinance cannot occur as part of a 1031 exchange. It should be noted that generally, a refinance is not a taxable event (subject to exceptions/limitations like […]

April 2023 Disaster Relief Update

Throughout the month of April, the IRS has issued tax relief that can extend/postpone the 45-day and 180-day deadlines applicable to ongoing Section 1031 exchanges for the below-referenced disaster areas. Each Notice provides universal tax relief that extends the deadline to file various individual and business tax returns and to make tax payments for affected […]

1031 Exchange Update: Avoid a Tax Season Trap by Preserving Your 180 day Exchange Period

IRC Section 1031 requires that taxpayers acquire all replacement property by the earlier of 180 days from the sale of the relinquished property or the Federal tax return due date for the year in which the exchange commenced. Therefore, taxpayers with exchange transactions commencing in the 4th quarter of the calendar year, specifically those starting […]

The American Families Plan: A Problematic Proposal for Real Estate Investors

By: Legal 1031 Exchange Services, LLC Todd R. Pajonas, Esq., President James T. Walther, Esq., LL.M., General Counsel   Over the past year, there has been growing speculation regarding the potential tax policies of a Biden Administration and how those policies might affect real estate. After President Biden’s address to Congress on April 28, 2021, […]

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